
Our framework is open source, we welcome contributions from the community. If you have a module you would like to add, please open a discussion so we can discuss the best way to integrate it.

If you wish to contribute please read the following guides:

Our framework is currently in a beta phase while we work our way to a version 1.0.0.It is being used in many production apps however things are subject to breaking changes.


Follow these instructions to install the framework for the first time.


Before you install please make sure you have Brew installed on your machine.

You should also have Docker installed and running on your machine.

Install following packages:

brew install jq
brew install mkcert
mkcert --install
npm i -g pnpm
pnpm i -g npx
pnpm i -g ts-node

Optional dependencies:


If you want to use doppler for secrets management and sharing:

brew install dopplerhq/cli/doppler

Additional Reading: Doppler docs

Running the framework

git clone
cd framework
pnpm run install:framework
pnpm run start:docker

If you would like to contribute to our framework, you should create a folk first and clone your folked version. See Contributing.

Build a client application

The real power of our framework is seen through the rapid development of client applications.

Checkout the build a client application walkthrough to get a solid overview of our framework in action.

As our framework grows, with more applications using it, more apps added and more developers contributing, the value also increases, this network effect is the reason why we have opensourced our work.

Postman Collection

You can access our postman collection for the framework here. This is a set of pre-build endpoints you can call on your local installation.

Development User

When you first run the application locally, it will create a default account along with an account owner you can use to authenticate with. You can use this email and password to authenticate both the API and login via the frontend.

Docs v.0.14.18 Copyright © 2024