
The WordPress app is a nestjs wrapper around the WordPress Rest API. It provides a consistent interface for interacting with WordPress within the confines of our framework.

Checkout the WordPress documentation for more information.


This app has two options for integration with your project, depending on the context:

Environment Variables

If you require direct integration into one WordPress site you can use the following environment variables:


App Store

If you would like to allow your users to connect their own WordPress sites and perform action via their accounts, you can use the app store integration.

The app will be automatically added to your system apps table when you import this module into your application.

INSERT INTO `apps` (`name`, `url`, `integration_type`, `integration_name`, `category`, `hexcode`, `active`, `hidden`, `settings`) VALUES ('WordPress', 'https://wordpress.org', 'CREDENTIALS', 'wordpress', 'cms', NULL, 1, 0, '[{\"key\": \"WORDPRESS_URL\", \"name\": \"WordPress Website URL\", \"input\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"required\": true}, \"description\": \"Your WordPress URL, including http(s):// but without a trailing slash.\"}, {\"key\": \"WORDPRESS_USERNAME\", \"name\": \"WordPress Username\", \"input\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"required\": true}, \"description\": \"Your WordPress username which can be found in the users section of your WordPress admin area.\"}, {\"key\": \"WORDPRESS_APPLICATION_PASSWORD\", \"name\": \"WordPress Application Password\", \"input\": {\"type\": \"text\", \"required\": true}, \"private\": true, \"description\": \"This is a specific application password (not your normal login password) which can be created on the user management page in the WordPress admin.\"}]');


Each endpoint (e.g. posts, users) has been separated into its own module. You can import the modules you need into your project.

The following modules are currently supported:

If you are missing a module, please open an discussion or submit a pull request.You can copy an existing module and update it to reflect another endpoint and submit the code as a pull request.

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