
The beacon module allows you to notify users in a multitude of different ways, including:

  • Email
  • SMS
  • Instant Messaging
  • Push Notifications
  • In-app Notifications
  • Webhooks
This module is currently in development and is limited to Email, SMS, and WebSockets right now.
The beacon service is used by a number of other modules also to keep frontend applications in sync with the backend automatically.

The beacon module also integrated directly into other modules when installed. See below for a full list of possible integrations.

Pass a unique string as part of your request to avoid duplicate notifications being sent. The system will check for this unique key before sending a notification.


Import the module into your application:

import { forwardRef, Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { BeaconModule } from '@juicyllama/core'

    imports: [forwardRef(() => BeaconModule)],
export class AppModule {}

Inject the service into your classes:

import { BeaconService } from '@juicyllama/core'

export class ExampleService {
    constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => BeaconService)) readonly beaconService: BeaconService) {}

Send notifications using the service:


await this.beaconService.notify(options)


The following methods are available:


The main method for sending notifications, this method takes a single options object as a parameter which can be used to configure which types of notifications to send and their contents.

await this.beaconService.notify({})


Send an email

Send a push notification

Send a In-app notification

Send an IM

await this.beaconService.notify({
    methods: {
        im: true,
    communication: {
        im: {
            slack: {
                channel: `example_channel`,
    markdown: `⚠️ The cat is on fire! ⚠️`,
    unique: `cat_fire_${Dates.format(new Date(), 'YYYY_MM_DD')}`, //limit this type of alert to daily


The beacon module can integrate with the following modules:



The framework ships with very basic messages which you can enable by adding the relevent entry to your .env file.

Custom Templates

However we recommend adding your own custom templates.

To setup your custom templates, you can add the following files:

  • email.md

Before the template is sent, we automatically convert ${values} from the injected object details below.

Once you have added the above templates to your project, you can then add the reference in your .env file, for example:


The system will then look for the above template files in that folder, if it does not find the file, it will revert to the frameworks default.

Template Hooks

Add the hook to your .env file pointing to your template directory

HookInjected Object
BEACON_ACCOUNT_CREATE{ account: Account, owner: User, hrefs: { dashboard: String }, env: process.env }
BEACON_ACCOUNT_ADMIN_TEMPORARY_PASSWORD{ owner: User, password: String, hrefs: { reset: String }, env: process.env }
BEACON_USER_INVITED{ account: Account, user: User, hrefs: { reset: String },env: process.env }
BEACON_USER_ADDED{ account: Account, user: User, hrefs: { login: String }, env: process.env }
BEACON_USER_AUTH_VERIFICATION_CODE{ user: User, code: String, { hrefs: { cta: String }, env: process.env }
BEACON_USER_AUTH_PASSWORDLESS_CODE{ user: User, code: String, { hrefs: { cta: String }, env: process.env }
BEACON_BILLING_WITHDRAWAL_REQUEST{ withdrawal: Withdrawal, user: User, amount: Intl.NumberFormat, env: process.env }
BEACON_BILLING_PAYMENT_RECEIVED{ payment: Payment, user: User, amount: Intl.NumberFormat, env: process.env }
BEACON_BILLING_PAYMENT_DECLINED{ payment_method: PaymentMethod, user: User, amount: Intl.NumberFormat, env: process.env }
BEACON_BILLING_PAYMENT_METHOD_EXPIRY{ payment_method: PaymentMethod, env: process.env }

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