Coding Style Guide

We use prettier and eslint to maintain code style and best practices.

These will evolve over time, so please check them periodically to ensure you are using the most up to date coding styles.

Development Principles

We follow two key principles when developing our framework:

  • Abstraction Principle - We aim to abstract away the complexity of development to provide a fast and consistent interface for our developers client projects.
  • KISS - We aim to keep things as simple as possible, don't use 20 lines of code when 1 will do, using external tooling like lodash is fine, but don't overcomplicate things.

Naming Conventions

  • File Names - We use dot notation for file names e.g. name.controller.ts
  • Class Names - We use PascalCase for class names e.g. class NameController
  • Variable Names - We use camelCase for variable names e.g. const nameController
  • Function Names - We use camelCase for function names e.g. function nameController()
  • Database Tables, Fields, etc - We use snake_case for database tables, fields, etc e.g. table_name, field_name


Const vs Functions

We don't use const for doing any form of calculation or manipulation, we use functions instead. const should only be used for the storing of values.

For example, don't do this:

const varName = function (parameters) {
    // return statement

Do this instead

const varName = run(parameters)

function run(parameters): string {
    // return statement

The later example allows better typing and readability. The slightly longer code is worth it for the benefits it brings.

File Structure


We follow the NestJS file structure conventions. Ensuring each module is self-contained and can be easily moved between projects.


We follow the Vue file structure conventions.

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