
The social module is a prebuild module for all things related to community, this will evolve over time and should save you time if you want to work with everything social related.

The following social items are in our roadmap:
  • Walls, Posts, Likes
  • Connections (Follow, friends)
  • Leagues
  • Streaks
  • Activity (Online Now, Last Seen)


Follow these instructions to use the social module in your project.


Install the package into your project:

pnpm install @juicyllama/social

Api Backend

Import the module into your application:

import { SocialModule } from '@juicyllama/social'

    imports: [
        forwardRef(() => SocialModule),

API Documentation

You can expose the API documentation for websites as follows

import { installSocialDocs } from '@juicyllama/socia;'

//place this below the swagger setup
redoc = installSocialDocs(redoc)



This needs documenting
Push Events


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