
Provides a widget that displays numeric data (count visitors, total revenue, product share) with additional delta change value.


  • value - main value to display, optionaly with a sign ($100, 50%, etc)
  • delta - delta value to display, optionaly with a sign (+10%, -50 ppl, etc)
  • endpoint - URL to load data
  • dynamicData - boolean, activates endpoint for loading data
  • animated - boolean, add animation for a number

For value and delta data consists of following fields:

  • value - actual main number to display
  • valueMeasurement - parameter that is displayed,
  • signOnTheLeft - boolean, on which side of the value the sign should be shown
  • valueSign - actual value sign, e.g. $, % etc


<script lang="ts" setup>
import { JLStats } from '@juicyllama/frontend-core'

const inputStatic = ref({
    title: 'Website visitor using mobile',
    value: {
        value: 4964,
        valueMeasurement: '',
        signOnTheLeft: false,
        valueSign: '',
    delta: {
        value: 428,
        valueMeasurement: '',
        signOnTheLeft: true,
        valueSign: '-',

const inputWithAPIEndpoint = ref({
    endpoint: '/api/users/stats',
    dynamicData: true,

    <!--Stats widget from local data-->
    <JLStats v-bind="inputStatic" />

    <!--Stats widget from API data-->
    <JLStats v-bind="inputWithAPIEndpoint" />

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