
We really appreciate your interest in contributing to our project. Our framework is used in many commercial projects and so it's important you follow the contributing guidelines closely.

Help Wanted

We welcome Developers, Project Managers, QA'ers, Documentors, Marketers and anyone else who wants to contribute to our open source framework.

If you have not contributed to an open soure project before, checkout this helpful guide.

Open Source Development

If you are looking to work on existing tickets, then follow this flow:

  1. Checkout the Framework Roadmap Board for open tickets which need work.
  2. Filter tickets by help wanted to see the items which are ready to be picked up.
  3. Tickets in the Todo column are fully scoped and ready to work on, any tickets in the No Status column likley need more scoping.
  4. Once you have a ticket you would like to work on, follow the contributing flow below.

Specific Features

If you have specific features, apps, tools or support you want to build into the framework, follow this flow:

  1. Discuss the change you wish to make via a discussion here.

  2. Assuming the discussion results in a development task, a member of the core team will create a project task on the Framework Roadmap Board, along with an issue in the repository.

  3. Once the ticket is fully scoped out, follow the contributing flow below.

Contributing Flow

  1. Install the framework locally by first folking the framework into your github account.
  2. Follow the installation instructions here by cloning your folked version of the framework.
  3. Branch off main and include your issue number along with the task description e.g. feature/123-my-new-feature. We use the following prefixes:
    • feature/ for new features
    • bug/ for bug fixes
    • refactor/ for general refactoring
    • docs/ for documentation changes
    • test/ for test changes
    • misc/ for other changes

  4. Write your code follow the Code Style Guide and commit your changes to your branch.

  5. Ensure you have written tests for your changes and that they pass.

  6. If you have added a new feature (or updated an existing one), please update this documentation to reflect the changes.

  7. Once complete initiate a pull request from your folked version to the framework. This will trigger a review process and automated tests. If the tests fail, please fix the issues and push the changes to your branch. The tests will automatically re-run.

  8. Once a member of the core team has reviewed your contribution, changes maybe requested, once approved it will be merged into main and the issue will be closed.


Please follow the Code Style Guide when contributing.


All contributions should include tests. Contributions without full test coverage will not be accepted.


It's important that our developer documentation is kept upto date. Should you add a new feature (or updated an existing one), please ensure the documentation is updated to reflect the changes.

Our documentation portal is built using Nuxt with the Docus theme. You can commit your documentation changes at the same time as your code changes.

Docs v.0.14.18 Copyright © 2024