
The find options for API lookups.

import type { FindOptions } from '@juicyllama/frontend-core'
limit[number]The limit for the find
offset[number]The offset for the find
order_by[string]The order by for the find
order_by_type[enum]Either ASC or DESC
select[string]The entity items to select
search[string]The search for the find
relations[string]The relations to include


Custom Button

The custom button object.

import type { CustomButton } from '@juicyllama/frontend-core'
key[string]The key for the button
label[string]The label for the button
icon[string]The icon for the button
action[Function]The function to run when the button is clicked, it will output the following to the function

{data: formData, q: $q, schema: TableSchema | FormSchema, button: CustomButton }


Icon Settings

Sets the default icon settings for the application.

import type { IconSettings } from '@juicyllama/frontend-core'
type[string]The icon set type
icons[object]The icon actions for common actions

Icon Actions

add[string]The icon for the add action
edit[string]The icon for the edit action
delete[string]The icon for the delete action
search[string]The icon for the search action
columns[string]The icon for the columns action

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